Puff Balls

Puff Balls

Friday, June 24, 2011

Natural Hair Regimen and Pre Poo

Image found at: http://www.kisforkinky.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/20100418_142452_Naturally-Curly.jpg

I came across an excellent video that shows a quick natural hair regimen.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOEk5BUq-HA (called "My Natural Hair Regimen"). I think I’ll be trying this on my daughter’s hair the next time we wash. I am ecstatic to learn more and more about natural hair.

I also found some interesting information on pre-pooing. Pre-poo is simply a pre-shampoo treatment; AfroBella covered this a few years ago: http://www.afrobella.com/2008/03/28/do-you-pre-poo/ and here’s a few other sites that talk about prepooing: http://www.darkerthanbrown.com/2011/04/how-to-pre-poo-natural-hair.html (has a prepoo video), http://www.themanesource.com/2011/05/27/the-power-of-pre-poo/, http://www.kisforkinky.com/2010/07/what-is-a-good-pre-poo-to-really-soften-natural-hair/ (prepoo recipe…I haven’t tried it so let me know how it works for you). Thanks! Tina


  1. I have a great pre-poo regimine, and I use it faithfully each time I wash: EVOO, Honey, Jane Carter's thick moisurizer (it's meant as a styling product, but is GREAT as a pre-poo). I apply it to damp hair using an applicator bottle. Cover with a plastic cap for about 30-45 minutes, and I'm ready to wash!

  2. Hello there! Thanks so much for your comment. You were the first one to tell me about pre-poo (where had I been?!). I will have to try this. But isn't Jane Carter's stuff expensive!!!!? You know me, always on a hunt for amazing, inexpensive stuff! :)

  3. hello! the link to the regimen wouldnt work for me, what search terms did you use to find the video?

  4. Tina,

    Thanks for sharing the video. Natural hair seems so cumbersome at times. Those are aloooooooot of steps... lol! Have you came across any simpler regimens? I have been struggling with finding a regimen that only requires thirty minutes from start to finish.
