Puff Balls

Puff Balls

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Naptural85's Top 10 Tips on Growing Long, Healthy, Natural Hair

Hello everyone,

I've entered my grading vortex so today's post is rather short. I'm providing a link to Naptural85's top 10 tips on growing long, healthy natural hair (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7ouKM2v6Uc&feature=colike). I absolutely love her laid back vibe and authenticity! Here is a link to her website: http://www.naptural85.com/.

Here is a list of the ten tips for those who'd prefer not to watch the entire video (though I encourage you to watch it because her commentary is insightful). Plus, as you can see from the pic, her hair is GORGEOUS!! So, evidence suggests that she knows what she's talking about, at least what works for her!

  1. Moisturize.
  2. Trim your hair when necessary.
  3. Don’t overshampoo. Co-washing is great (she buys 3 bottles of conditioner for every 1 bottle of shampoo)
  4. Low manipulation styling, be careful of your edges, loosely style your hair when possible
  5. Protective styling, especially when your hair feels particularly dry (Naptural85 has a blog post on this)
  6. Don’t do your hair when you’re stressed out, angry, etc.
  7. Be mindful of your hair accessories
  8. Avoid brushes and combs if possible; when you do use them, use wide-toothed combs and wider set brushes when possible; use finger-detangling
  9. You are what you eat, eat healthy food
  10. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon
Image found at: http://www.google.com/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh-ClhtayUZq6Lor3VKi3s_QvopIMGG0LJyBiLeIdXJx_SUIeAL93-BDKV4E0eR-Iph42m7zcjYmbxiZ1tI64rhtK-FzVGUZrC5fzUJ3DiqF4z0WapYbk7m5Kf8NshsXR-41Ao94Sf3kfpc/s1600/210815_103906373026300_103009129782691_36726_4405733_o.jpg&sa=X&ei=815iT8nvN6j40gHr2aCYCA&ved=0CAkQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNE5tw5gNVGBxeKuELG6o4CO09z5_w

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