Puff Balls

Puff Balls

Friday, January 13, 2012

Tomiko graces Gain Commercial

Hello everyone, I know that I'm in the middle of sharing my RV trip with you all BUT I was blown away by something that I just saw. I rarely watch daytime TV which may explain why I had never seen the Gain commercial featuring the gorgeous Tomiko Fraser Hines (https://www.facebook.com/tomikofraser/). Haven't seen the commercial? Here it is: https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=250176131698006.

I love the way the commercial embraces natural hair. Some might feel that it dogs straight hair but I don't think that's the point. Apparently, naturalistas are in the numerical minority compared to women who chemically alter their hair. However, more and more women are going natural and it's refreshing to see this depicted in a corporate commercial. What do you think? I may have to buy some Gain! :)

P.S.: I do believe the voice over was done by Ms. Wanda Sykes! UPDATE: Ms. Tomiko Fraser Hines herself confirmed that this was the voice of Ms. Wanda Sykes. Thanks Tomiko!

P.S.S.: Tomiko and her husband, Chris, have a YouTube channel and I think they're just the cutest: http://www.youtube.com/user/chrisandtomikotalk2u?feature=watch

Image found at: http://www.google.com/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://cheneselewisblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Tomiko-Gain-Slide.jpg&sa=X&ei=GkAPT5kYoeLRAbn4rYED&ved=0CAsQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNF7r1lZYpD1DQcn7qQY90RJdZFNnw


  1. Thanks again for this wonderful blog! I really appreciate it! ; )

  2. You are most welcome. It's my pleasure and you should know that the commercial made me shout! So proud of you for forging ahead! Yaaayyyyyy!
